Notification of transport

There are 5 kinds of notifications concerning the transport of radioactive materials. The procedure for notification has been changed. Also the forms for pre-notification and generic pre-notification have been changed.

The following table summarises which transports must be notified and which transports require a license.

Transport notifications
Notification License
Transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of fissionable2 material X,
See below: 1 and 3
Transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of radiopharmaceuticals X
See below: 5
transport of radiopharmaceuticals within the Netherlands (no transport into/from Dutch territory or transit) X
Transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of consumer products containing radioactive substances X
See below: 1, 4 and 5
Transport of consumer products containing radioactive substances within the Netherlands (no transport into/from Dutch territory or transit) X
See below: 1 and 4
Transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of other radioactive substances X
See below: 1

Transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of high active sealed sources


  1. The transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of fissionable material is exempt from notification and licensing in case the total activity and/or the activity concentration of the radionuclides is equal or below the limits as defined in Table of the Accord européen relatif au transport international de marchandises Dangereuses par Route (ADR).
  2. Fissionable material is any substance containing 0.1 % uranium, 0.1 % plutonium or 3.0 % thorium, or more, by mass. Note that this definition is not limited to specific isotopes. This means fissionable material covers not only fissile material, but also e.g. depleted uranium used for shielding purposes in transport packages.
  3. The transport of fissionable material to and from Antwerp Harbour across the Westerschelde does not require a licence, but must be notified 3 weeks prior instead (notification “Belgievaarder”). A reference to the corresponding Belgium authorisation of the transport must be included in the notification.
  4. The transport into/from Dutch territory, transport within the Netherlands or transit of consumer products containing radioactive substances is exempt from notification and licensing in case the total number per shipment is equal or below the maximum number defined in the ‘ANVS-verordening basisveiligheidsnormen stralingsbescherming 2018’.
  5. The transport within the Netherlands of consumer products or radiopharmaceuticals in connection with the transport into/from Dutch territory of consumer products or radiopharmaceuticals is exempt from notification.