
86 documents

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  1. Notification of intent EIA Pallas reactor

    Publication | 04-06-2015

  2. Notice of publication EIA Pallas reactor

    Publication | 03-06-2015

  3. Letter to stakeholders

    Letter | 20-01-2015

  4. National Plan for Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies

    Publication | 01-10-2014

  5. Amendment of the Nuclear Energy Act in connection with the setting-up

    Publication | 25-06-2014

  6. Outlines of the Dutch policy

    Publication | 25-06-2014

  7. Amendment of the Nuclear Energy Act Notes on individual sections

    Publication | 25-06-2014

  8. Amendment of the Nuclear Energy Act Explanatory Memorandum

    Publication | 13-06-2014

  9. Report on events in Dutch nuclear facilities during 2013

    Publication | 27-05-2014

  10. Nuclear Facilities Fissionable Materials and Ores Decree

    Publication | 16-05-2014