RTD Hengelo granted draft licence for storage and use of radioactive sources and X-ray equipment

The ANVS intends to grant Röntgen Technische Dienst B.V. (RTD) a licence that allows the company to use radioactive sources and X-ray equipment for materials research. RTD carries out these activities in a specially designed bunker at Topaasstraat 12 in Hengelo, Overijssel. Our draft licence specifies the safety requirements that RTD must meet. Anyone can submit a response to this draft licence until 3 January 2025.

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Image: ©ANVS

Specially designed secure bunker

RTD will be granted permission to use radioactive sources and X-ray equipment in a specially designed bunker located on the company’s premises in Hengelo. The bunker is constructed in such a way that almost no radiation can escape, thereby ensuring the safety of local residents and the environment.

The licence states exactly which sources and devices RTD is allowed to use. To obtain this permission, RTD has had to demonstrate that the company stores its resources and devices safely and securely. This demonstration covered not only fire safety, but also security aimed at preventing theft and abuse.

New licence due to relocation

For many years, RTD has conducted materials research with radiation for the purposes of industrial radiography (in Dutch). Initially, these activities took place at Topaasstraat 14 in Hengelo. According to RTD, that facility is now outdated, necessitating the move to a new location at Topaasstraat 12. RTD is not operating from both addresses at the same time.

Responses welcome until 3 January 2025

You can review the draft licence (in Dutch) for RTD until midnight on 3 January 2025 (in Dutch). If, after reading the draft licence, you have any views on its content, you can respond by submitting a statement of opinion.

There are 3 ways to respond:

  1. By email: send an email to Postbus.Aanvragenenmelden@anvs.nl and put ‘Statement of Opinion concerning draft licence for RTD Hengelo’ in the subject line of your email.
  2. In writing: send a letter to the ANVS, Statement of Opinion concerning draft licence for RTD Hengelo, P.O. Box 16001, 2500 BA The Hague.
  3. By phone: call the Information Desk for Nuclear Energy Act permits at +31 (0)88 489 05 00, available from Monday to Friday between 8.30 and 17.00.

Response in final licence

We will respond to the statements of opinion when we take a final decision on RTD’s licence application. We will include the statements of opinion and our response to them in our definitive licence. We publish this licence on Publicatieplatform UitvoeringsContent (in Dutch).

If you have submitted a statement of opinion, you can also receive a link to the definitive licence. Please indicate in your statement of opinion if you wish to receive this link.

Want to know more?

Read the official announcement in the Government Gazette (in Dutch).