RTD Hengelo permitted use of radioactive sources and X-ray equipment for materials research

Röntgen Technische Dienst B.V. (RTD) has been granted permission to use radioactive sources and X-ray equipment for materials research and storage. RTD carries out these activities in a specially designed bunker at Topaasstraat 12 in Hengelo, Overijssel. Our licence specifies the safety requirements that RTD must meet. Interested parties have the right to appeal against this licensing decision until midnight on 5 March 2025.

Research in special bunker

RTD uses radiation to examine objects’ internal structure without breaking them, which is also known as industrial radiographic non-destructive testing. RTD may only do this testing in a specially designed bunker on its premises in Hengelo. The bunker is constructed in such a way that almost no radiation escapes. The amount of radiation that does escape is within legal limits, ensuring the safety of local residents and the environment.

Safe storage of sources and equipment

The licence states exactly which sources and devices RTD is permitted to use. To obtain this permission, the company had to demonstrate its ability to store sources and equipment safely and securely. This demonstration covered both fire safety and security aimed at preventing theft or misuse.

New licence due to relocation

Initially, RTD carried out radiographic testing at Topaasstraat 14 in Hengelo. The company is now relocating to Topaasstraat 12. According to RTD, the previous building is outdated and no longer meets requirements, necessitating this move. RTD will not be operating from both addresses at the same time.

Appeals possible until 5 March 2025

If you are an interested party and you are directly affected by our decision to grant this licence, you have the right to appeal against the licensing decision (in Dutch) until midnight on 5 March 2025. You can also lodge an appeal if your failure to submit a statement of opinion before cannot reasonably be held against you. The deadline for submitting a statement of opinion passed on 3 January 2025, without us receiving any responses of this kind.

Want to know more?

Please read the official announcement (in Dutch) in the Government Gazette.