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IRRS mission emphasises importance of nuclear safety and radiation protection
The Dutch government and the Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection have demonstrated their commitment to the ...
Ilya Wit-Hoornweg, director of Business Operations and Information
“The best thing about my work are the people.” The Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS) has undergone a ...
Advisory Board welcomes radiation protection expert
On October 21st, Filip Vanhavere became a member of our Advisory Board. In the coming 5 years, he will provide solicited and ...
Renewed strategy for monitoring and enforcement by the Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
As the Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, how do we monitor nuclear safety, security of nuclear facilities ...
Sharing more knowledge with France and South Africa
The ANVS will cooperate more closely with its French colleagues at the ASN and its South African colleagues at NNR. We want to ...
ANVS has a new director of the Competent Authority department
The ANVS has a Competent Authority department since 1 February 2023. This department is responsible for supervision, enforcement ...
ANVS chair of the board Annemiek van Bolhuis appointed co-Chair of the International Gender Champions Impact Group
ANVS chair of the board Annemiek van Bolhuis has been appointed co-Chair of the Gender Champions Impact Group on Gender Equality ...
Marco Brugmans appointed vice-chair of European advisory body ENSREG
ANVS board member Marco Brugmans has been appointed vice-chair of the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG). ENSREG ...
Final licence for construction of PALLAS nuclear reactor
The Authority has granted the final licence for the construction of the PALLAS research reactor in Petten, in the Schagen Local ...
Future-ready with ANVS 2.1
As of February 1st, the organisational structure of the ANVS has changed. We now have 3 boards, each with their own expertise. ...