
86 documents

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  1. Report to the European Commission on the implementation of Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom, amended by the Council Directive 2014/87/Euratom of 8 July 2014

    The European Nuclear Safety Directive (Directive 2014/87 / Euratom of 8 July 2014) requires Member States to report on how they ...

    Report | 27-07-2020

  2. Status summary report IAEA - Ruthenium and Cesium detections in air in Europe

    Report | 03-07-2020

  3. Report on events in Dutch nuclear facilities during 2019

    In fulfilment of the responsibilities of the ANVS, as defined at the time of its establishment on 1 August 2017, this report ...

    Report | 29-06-2020

  4. ANVS Guide on Level 3 PSA

    In this guide the ANVS gives recommendations on performing a level 3 PSA (probabilistic safety analysis) as part of the risk ...

    Publication | 10-03-2020

  5. How might I be exposed to radiation?

    This animation explains what radiation is and where it occurs. It also tells you how much radiation people can safely receive. ...

    Video | 28-01-2020

  6. How would the Dutch government respond to a nuclear accident?

    This animation explains how the government would respond to a nuclear accident. Various measures can be taken to protect people. ...

    Video | 28-01-2020

  7. What does sheltering mean?

    This animation explains what sheltering means. Sheltering is one of the government’s measures to protect people in the event of a ...

    Video | 28-01-2020

  8. Why should I take stable iodine tablets?

    This animation explains when and why you should take iodine tablets after a nuclear accident. Taking iodine tablets is one of the ...

    Video | 28-01-2020

  9. What happens after a nuclear power plant accident?

    This animation explains what happens after a nuclear power plant accident. That might be an industrial accident or a nuclear ...

    Video | 28-01-2020

  10. What is evacuation?

    This animation explains what evacuation means. Evacuation is one of the government’s measures to protect people in the event of a ...

    Video | 28-01-2020