Nuclear safety and radiation protection in the Netherlands
Ever since the first controlled use of nuclear technology, the need for a safe operating environment has been a priority. In the interests of operating nuclear facilities safely, the Dutch nuclear sector has traditionally placed great importance in engaging with international partners and sharing details of its experiences in this area.
The Dutch Nuclear Landscape
Despite its relatively small scale, the Dutch nuclear landscape is characterized by a diverse range of nuclear facilities. Each of these facilities work (or have worked) with fissile materials, to a greater or lesser extent.
The nuclear technology used has various applications, ranging from energy generation to medical diagnosis and treatment, and from scientific research to industrial use. With each of these applications, it is vital for the nuclear facilities concerned to guarantee nuclear safety.
The ANVS uses the State of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection to supplement its Unusual events report, which the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management has annually disclosed to the House of Representatives in recent years. Future reports on the State of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection will also cover the safety situation with regard to other uses of radiation.