Increased cooperation with the UK and South Korea
The ANVS has reached a set of agreements focused on cooperation with the nuclear regulators of the United Kingdom and South Korea. The UK and South Korea will share their experiences with us in the field of licensing and regulatory control of the construction of large nuclear installations. The agreements with these nuclear regulators are set out in two new official documents.

Learning from UK experience with other nuclear reactors
The UK is currently building two large EPR (European Pressurized Reactor) nuclear reactors. The Dutch government is considering this type for the Netherlands, and the UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) possesses expertise that can reinforce our capabilities. The ONR has experience of reviewing EPR designs and understands the processes and complexities involved in building installations of this type. Additionally, it has a strong background in licensing and regulatory control of construction safety and security.
The ONR also has experience of working with Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). These nuclear reactors are more compact than current nuclear power plants and could potentially be introduced in the Netherlands. Exploring how the ONR assesses the safety of SMRs could therefore yield valuable insights.
Enhancing cooperation with South Korea
Regulation of the safety and security of nuclear installations is a key issue for nuclear regulators. This is true of both the ANVS and South Korea’s Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC). International collaboration in this field is highly beneficial, therefore, since it allows us to share insights and learn from one other.
Furthermore, South Korea can contribute a design for a new nuclear power plant in the Netherlands. Solid agreements with the South Korean regulator will facilitate our preparations in this regard.
Official documents
Annemiek van Bolhuis, Chair of the Board, signed these official documents (‘Memorandum of Understanding’) in Vienna, where she was attending the IAEA General Conference.

Memorandum of Understanding between NSCC and ANVS
The ANVS has made agreements in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) about cooperation with Nuclear Safety and Security Commission ...
Memorandum of Understanding between ONR and ANVS
The ANVS signed a cooperation agreement with the English ONR on October 7, 2024.